Touch for Health
In my treatments I mainly work with “Touch for health”, the basic form of kinesiology. With this method, blockages that were previously identified using the biofeedback method of muscle testing are released by acting on neurolymphatic and neurovascular points as well as energetic work with the meridians.
The body has a constant self-healing reflex that cannot work properly due to blockages. This leads to a backlog in the body's regeneration process and ultimately to symptoms. By dissolving the blockages on the various levels, the body's self-healing powers are reactivated and strengthened.
Used preventively to maintain health, energy blockages can be identified before symptoms arise.
The Touch for health method is also ideal as support for all conventional medical treatments and therapies. If the energy and posture are in balance, medically necessary treatments become more effective and more tolerable.
Basic muscle balance
Balance of lower muscles
Balancing over and under energies in the meridians (TCM) with:
Spinal reflexes
Neurolyphatic points
Neurovascular points
Meridian activation and streaking
Acupressure points
Lou points
Pain management
Balancing eye & Ear energies
Time of day and color balances (TCM)

“Health is not the absence of symptoms but the experience of well-being on all levels.”
“When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.”