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Emotion = energy in motion.

If the body is weakened, the emotion is too strong or the experience is too traumatizing, it cannot process and let go of the emotions and they block and become stuck.

During the treatment, blocked emotions in the body are identified through muscle testing. It is tested:

  • what emotions it is

  • in which area of the body they are stuck

  • at what age and what experience they were included

  • to what extent they cause physical or psychological problems.

Each stored emotion is localized to a specific place in the body and vibrates there at a specific frequency. Over time, the surrounding tissue resonates and begins to vibrate at this frequency, causing physical discomfort.

Symptoms of stored emotions can include:

  • Overreaction, short-circuit actions

  • Depression, phobias

  • Complaints in organs and tissues

  • muscular imbalance, joint problems

  • Pain, exhaustion, illness

  • blocked energy flow


By releasing stuck emotions, a direct improvement in well-being and behavior can be achieved. You feel relieved and liberated. The surrounding tissue can recover and the body is able to heal itself again.


I also work with goal balances on topics that cause emotional stress.

The situation or experience is unchangeable, but the body's reaction to it can be influenced.




  • Target balances to 

    • stressful topics

    • Dreaming 

    • Future events (exams, interviews, etc.)

  • EFT/TFT Tapping

  • Emotion code technique

  • Regulation of the nervous system

  • Stress reduction

  • Mediation in private and professional areas

  • 5 elements emotional balance

“Emotions are our body’s reactions to our thoughts.”

– Eckard Tolle

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